Saturday, March 05, 2005

Women & tuna (oh sick! not like that!)

Courtesy of Dr. Mercola, is a scary story on how bloodborne mercury in our pregnant mothers is affecting our children.

Research indicates that 10%-15% of children born annually in the US (thats 316,000-637,000) have blood mercury levels high enough to have a measurable impact on their IQs. What kind of an impact? A decrease of as little as 0.2 points... or as many as 24!

Other data indicate that mercury levels are not as high now as they were during the study, but this still crystallizes to me how dangerous a substance mercury really is.

I've seriously curbed my canned fish consumption over the last 12 months, which more than slightly annoys me because I likes my fish! However, tuna fish aren't the root of the problem. In the US, coal energy power plants produce nearly half the annual mercury.

Two more reasons to find alternative energy sources: smarter kids, and Cam being able to eat all the tuna he wants.