Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Velocity Day 2

Day 1 was easier than expected. I felt 'empty' most of the day, but didn't feel hungry, which I attribute to the psyllium and protein. I mentioned my pizza temptation, and then again after work I sat with a friend of mine while he had a quesadilla and a beer, and I didn't feel the pressure to eat. For those who don't already know, I work at a restaurant and somehow thought I'd be able to go a month without eating. Ballsy? Stupid? I'll let you decide.

Because I hung around after work I went longer than I'd planned without any calories last night and I could feel it. Making 100% sure to have a shake on hand when I need one will be big for me I think. Also, I was tired last night! That's a big deal for me because I'm a real nighthawk & rarely get tired 'til after 1am. I'm not sure if that's related to my energy intake on velocity, or the binge of drinking and partying I was on over the weekend. Either way, if I can start getting to bed earlier & getting up earlier I'd call that a positive adjustment.

I've got mostly reading, note taking & watching of soccer planned for today (Champs League matches this morning... exciting!). I'm also gonna fit a workout in there & see how my performance is affected by my low carb intake. I'll update again later tonight