Monday, February 28, 2005

Velocity Day 5

You may be noticing that Thursday was day 4, and monday is now day 5. I was back home for the weekend for my best friend's engagement party, and decided to take a couple of days off velocity. It's a bit of a cop-out, but I realized that such a milestone occasion lies far higher on my priority list than this experiment, and also that I don't ever want to be that guy that snubs social situations because 'he's on a diet'. I'm committed to achieving this goal, but before that I'm committed to participating in society.

On the topic, I love my food. I love cooking, I love tasting, I love it all. During the decision process that led to my velocity break, I considered what a social instrument food & drink are. Somehow good food and good company create a synergy that absolutely pale the Disney-ABC conglomerate. I would never enjoy a veggie meatball as much as I did whilst catching up with great friends. (I would almost certainly never eat a veggie meatball otherwise, but the statement still stands).

That being said, I'm back in the saddle now. Today was a breeze. Having experienced this last week I knew what to expect today & I imagine it'll just get easier from here on in. Also, I was eagerly waiting to see what kind of results I'd get & was kind of expecting not to notice a visible change before my weekend eating spree. However, Thursday night before I went home I realized that there IS a visible change already! That gives me a huge boost in pumptitude going into this week, which is a key factor in keeping myself going strong.

In other news, the engagement party Saturday night was great. It was awesome to see some old friends I hadn't spoken to in far too long. It was a real eye-opener to see Chris & Ashley (the bride & groom) in their new element too. Chris is the first of my friends to take the plunge and until the party their engagement hadn't really manifested itself visibly. It was definetly a splash of reality to see the marriage wheels start to turn. Having seen them in action though, I'm still convinced that they'll be brilliant together & I'm super happy for them both.