Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The virtue of focus

A weekend away from my stresses & troubles (which are admittedly & thanksfully few) can sometimes do amazing things for my perspective. Thanksgiving's always beautiful for that.

The conversations I had & probably the book (Every second counts by Lance Armstrong) I'm reading got me thinking about how the amazing things that people do make the doers themselves seem amazing. Not meaning to detract from anybody, but I personally don't buy into that, and I think that most prominent figures probably don't either. I think the Lance Armstrongs, Dali Llamas, Nelson Mandelas, and Brian Greenes of the world are people like you and I who worked very hard. Very hard. The point is though, that aside from a bit of genetic predisposition, you and I have essentially the same tools to work with as these amazing human beings. With the right education in how to use them, and the right work ethic, you and I can do these incredible things too.

I don't mean to imply that the leaders in thinking and achieving today aren't doing incredible things, and that they aren't incredible people. What I do mean to say is that every person is equally incredible and has the potential to achieve equally incredible feats. What I see myself struggling with the most, and what I imagine holds back so many others, is focus.

It's so easy in today's environment of constant stimulation to get diverted from your goals. Constantly we're bombarded with easier and more comfortable options to what is truly good for us. Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to stop, look at what's important to us, think about where we want our lives to go, and to take definitive action. Also I'm unapologetic about any melodrama here because this stuff really fires me up.

More than ever, focus matters in today's world. More than ever, somebody is trying to get rich by selling you something that will distract and destroy you. A person who could take a look at the world objectively and choose to do things that made him or her ultimately more happy, and ultimately more fulfilled would have a huge head start towards fulfillment.

I believe like Lance that 'every second counts' but I'm not sure we agree in the meaning of that. Every second counts away, regardless of what any of us chooses to do with it. It's up to me whether that second counted towards my life, or went unnoticed.

Man that fires me up!... I don't know how I'm ever gonna get to sleep tonight.