Monday, September 27, 2004

A TRUE Canadian Icon

Trudeau? Fox? Frye? No, I mean an icon that truly is a bastion of all things Canadian... William Shatner!

He doesn't always represent the best of what Canada has to offer, but we all know he's got a LOT of whats true about us in him. Funny, but kind of wierd. Successful, but nobody's really sure how he got there.

For those of you who love Shatner as much as I do, he's got a new audio CD entitled Has Been (I'm not sure if thats ironic). It's produced by Ben Folds (of the BF Five) and features Joe Jackson, Henry Rollins, Aimee Mann, Adrian Belew & Lemon Jelly.

And for those of you who are wondering, I am unabashedly plugging Shatner's new CD, but who in my shoes wouldn't do the same thing? Just to put this out there: Shatner for PM. Think about it.