Friday, September 17, 2004

Do You Rememeber Rock & Roll Radio?

It's bad enough that the most successful musicians of today are primarily rubbish; the last thing we need is for what greats we do have to be taken away from us.

Yesterday Johnny Ramone died after a 5 year battle with prostate cancer. After having lost Joey Ramone in 2001 and Dee Dee Ramone in 2003 the only living original member of the legendary 70's punk quartet is drummer Tommy Ramone.

I know its cliche to say that all new music sucks so I won't. What I will say is that very seldom anymore do we hear anything new. Johnny Cash, The Ramones, The Clash, Nirvana... all great bands not necessarily because they were musically talented, but because they pioneered new movements in music. Kurt Cobain & Nirvana ushered in the era of grunge rock that the 90's is so well known for. Cobain has been dead for over 10 years now, and I'm hard pressed to think artists who have taken music in a new direction since then.

In honor of Johnny and his contribution to our lives, I propose that each of us heads down to the local record store, and purchases a CD by somebody we've never heard of. You could be listening to the next Radiohead, or Andrew WK.