Friday, May 12, 2006

98 Degrees

Okay, it's not quite that warm yet, but summer's here, life's good, and I imagine planting the term '98 degrees' will get me more hits than anything I've written to date.

The first few weeks of summer haven't granted me the immediate time I expected to have: I've been busy lining up new tasks & closing up old ones. I'll be working part-time at a lab here at UWO, and have tentatively lined up a job in another lab come september, which is a huge boost for me.

I've also been reading quite a bit, which has been very refreshing as it's not mandatory reading. I finished The Da Vinci Code in time for the movie release, & thoroughly enjoyed it... easy, entertaining & I was very pleased with it's Indiana Jones feel.

I've also been reading a bit on a method of food planning called Metabolic Typing. It's fascinating stuff, and I think it will be a large part of the future of nutrition. The idea behind it is that because of ancestral genetic adaptations, each of us metabolizes our food in a different way. Because of that, a food that might be great for me, may offer no benefit to you, and may harm a third person. Metabolic typing determines the group of foods that will work best for your type, and from there a person can fine-tune to determine their ideal. I haven't read it all yet, but still, very interesting stuff.

That's all for now