Sunday, July 10, 2005

London Bombings

As horrible as these London bombings have been, I don't think I'm the only one who's thinking it was just a matter of time before it happened.

Tony Blair has adopted a more than agressive foreign policy towards fundamentalist middle eastern terror groups. In fact, he directed all his efforts towards the same fundamentalist terror group that had just committed the most horrific terror crime in decades, which was in response to exactly the foreign policy Blair was so eager to implement. If anything, I'm surprised it's taken this long for terror to strike the UK.

In my chattings with the war-niks who think islam should be exterminated in response to 9/11, I'm surprised at how blind they seem to be to the whole picture of how this terrorist thing works. I liken it to a schoolyard encounter. One kid (lets call him George) is bullying another kid in the schoolyard. When the kid gets fed up & punches George in the face, it's not an acceptable response, but who's surprised. But then Tony comes along, & cluelessly starts bullying the same kid, in the same way. What do you expect to happen?

The people responsible for the WTC bombings, & now the London bombings absolutely must be brought to justice. And in the interest of not being terrorised anymore, we westerners should at least re-evaluate our foreign policy of crushing the economies & dreams of foreign nations so that we can drive Escalades.